List of 1 items.

  • We've Got You Covered - All Year Long

    Programs are available after school, during school breaks, and in the summer.
    Whether after the end of the school day or after the school year ends, Hutchison offers a variety of classes, care, and camps all year long through the Annette C. Smith Center for Excellence (CFE) and SPARK After-School Care.

    During the school year, the Center for Excellence features semester-long programs that are available one or two days per week and SPARK After-School Care operates every day after school. SPARK offers care for school breaks and holidays as well. CFE programming includes academics, athletics, and the arts.


Register now for all fall and yearlong after-school opportunities at Hutchison.

Many Choices, One Location!

After-School at Hutchison is here to meet all of your daughter's interests and your needs. You can pair 3-day or 5-day SPARK After-School care with a variety of CFE classes to provide the extended hours to meet your schedule and the opportunities for your daughter to explore her interests.


List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Andrea Jeter

    Andrea Jeter 

    Operations Director of After-School & Summer Programs
  • Photo of Brianna Lofton

    Brianna Lofton 

    Director of After-School & Summer Programs - CFE
  • Photo of Kathryn Morris

    Katie Morris 

    Director of After-School & Summer Programs - SPARK

A Summer Adventure Like No Other

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  • Looking for More?

    Learn more about the Hutchison experience and why a girl's school is your daughter's best opportunity to excel.
Hutchison is the leading private girls school in Memphis for ages 2 years old through twelfth grade.