
List of 1 items.

  • Registration Process

    Register for Center for Excellence classes and SPARK After-School Care all in one place!

Fall & Spring Program Registration Information

List of 7 items.

  • SPARK and Center for Excellence Registration

    Students register for both SPARK After-School Care and Center for Excellence classes through our online registration system, CampBrain.

    Returning Hutchison families, please sign in using the yellow Login using myHutchison button at the bottom of the Login page. If this is the first time you are using CampBrain it will automatically load your basic information from myHutchison into your profile. If you have children who are not Hutchison students you will need to add them by clicking on the Manage People and Household Information button at the bottom of the Home page.

    All families who are new to the system, please use the New User Signup to create a profile for your family on your first visit and use the Sign In for each visit after that.
  • Payments

    Center for Excellence fees are noted on each session’s listing. Fees include all activities and supplies unless otherwise noted. Payments for Center for Excellence sessions are due in full at the time of registration.

    SPARK After-School Care payments may be made monthly. Payment of monthly balances is due by the first Friday of each month. Payments can be made by logging into CampBrain and selecting “View Details” under a student’s registration listing, then selecting “New Payment'' in the Financial pane on the right side of the screen. Any unpaid balances remaining on the first Friday of each month will be charged to the card used to register by the Office of After-School & Summer Programs. 

    Payments can be made by VISA®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover®.
  • Cancellations & Refunds

    SPARK After-School, SPARK Holiday Camp, and Center for Excellence fees are refunded in full when the offering is canceled by Hutchison. 

    A withdrawal request for any After-School at Hutchison class that occurs at least five (5) business days prior to the first class meeting will result in a refund/credit of fees. After five (5) business days prior to the first class meeting, there will be no refund of fees.

    In the event of campus closure due to unforeseen circumstances, such as inclement weather or power failures, After-School at Hutchison classes will not be pro-rated or rescheduled.
  • Carpool & Late Pickup

    Center for Excellence attendees should be picked up promptly at the end of class. Students will not be allowed to leave with anyone without prior authorization. If someone other than their parent or guardian will be picking up your student, please let our office know who has permission to pick up your student. You may edit your household’s authorized pick-up list in your CampBrain account by selecting “View Details” under a student’s registration and clicking UPDATE next to the Household Form on the right side of the screen.

    No drop-ins are allowed at SPARK After-School Care.

    An additional charge of $5.00 per minute will be assessed for any students remaining at their Center for Excellence carpool 10 minutes after their class ends, or for registered SPARK participants, remaining on campus after 5:35 pm. This fee is due at the time of pick up.
  • Attendance

    SPARK After-School and the Center for Excellence will not contact parents/guardians when a student is not in attendance. No refunds will be given for students who choose not to attend classes or activities.

    Monthly SPARK After-School registration options are available for 3-Day or 5-Day plans. Those selecting a 3-Day plan will need to select the 3 specific days of the week that your child will attend. SPARK plans may be adjusted prior to the start of each month. 

    After-School at Hutchison does not prorate fees for missed days.
  • Withdrawal

    Students are expected to adhere to the policies and procedures of the School as well as the After-School at Hutchison programs. Hutchison reserves the right to dismiss any student whose behavior poses a safety concern or discipline problem. No refunds will be issued for students who are asked to withdraw.
  • Personal Items

    Hutchison is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Students should not bring valuable items. Students should not bring games, toys, or electronics from home. Students are not permitted to use their personal devices, such as cell phones or iPads, while attending After-School at Hutchison programs. All personal items should be clearly marked with the student’s name.

Summer Program Registration Information

List of 8 items.

  • SPARK & CFE Registration

    Campers register for both SPARK Day Camp and Center for Excellence (“CFE”) summer camps through our online registration system. 

    Hutchison Families: Please sign in using the yellow “Login using myHutchison” button at the bottom of the Login page. If this is the first time you are using CampBrain, it will automatically load your basic information from myHutchison into your profile. If you have children who are not Hutchison students, you will need to add them by clicking on the Manage People and Household Information button at the bottom of the Home page.

    All other families who are new to the system, please use the New User Signup to create a profile for your family on your first visit and use the Sign In for each visit after that.
  • Payment & Fees

    CFE fees are noted on each session’s listing. Fees include all activities and supplies unless otherwise noted. Payments for CFE sessions are due in full at the time of registration.

    SPARK Day Camp requires a non-refundable $25 deposit for each camper registered in each session. Payment of weekly balances is due five (5) business days prior to the start of each registered camp week. Payments can be made by logging into CampBrain and selecting “View Details” under a camper’s registration listing, then selecting “New Payment'' in the Financial pane on the right side of the screen. Any unpaid balances remaining five (5) business days before the start of a session will be charged to the card used to register by the Office of After-School & Summer Programs. 

    For campers who are participating in a morning and afternoon CFE session in the same week who need to remain on campus for the hour between sessions, there is a mandatory holding fee that includes a provided lunch. You may choose to have your camper picked up for the hour between activities and return to campus in time for their next camp session.

    Payments can be made by VISA®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover®.
  • CFE & SPARK Day Camp Crossovers

    If a camper registers to attend a CFE class that is scheduled for Monday through Friday, for three hours or longer and registers to attend SPARK Day Camp for the remainder of the camp day, she will receive half off the SPARK Day Camp fee. The SPARK Day Camp crossover discount will be applied after an application has been submitted. If a camper chooses to participate in a CFE program in addition to SPARK Day Camp, she will join her SPARK Camp group in time for lunch each day.
  • Cancellations & Refunds

    SPARK Day Camp and CFE fees are refunded in full when the offering is canceled by Hutchison.
    A withdrawal request for any Summer at Hutchison camp that occurs at least five (5) business days prior to the first camp meeting will result in a refund/credit of fees, less the non-refundable deposit for SPARK sessions. After five (5) business days prior to the first class meeting, there will be no refund of fees.

    In the event of campus closure due to unforeseen circumstances, such as inclement weather or power failures, Summer at Hutchison classes will not be prorated or rescheduled.
  • Carpool & Late Pickup

    Center for Excellence campers should arrive on time and be picked up promptly at the end of camp. Campers will not be allowed to leave with anyone without prior authorization. If someone other than their parent or guardian will be picking up your camper, please let our office know who has permission to pick up your camper. You may edit your household authorized pick-up list in your CampBrain account by selecting “View Details” under a camper’s registration and clicking "UPDATE" next to the household form on the right side of the screen.

    No drop-ins are allowed at SPARK, SPARK Early Care, or SPARK Late Care. 

    An additional charge of $5.00 per minute will be assessed for any SPARK Day Camp or Center for Excellence campers still remaining at carpool 10 minutes after camp ends or for SPARK Late Care campers remaining on campus after 5:35 pm. This fee must be paid at the time of pick up.
  • Attendance

    SPARK Day Camp and the Center for Excellence will not contact parents/legal guardians when a camper is not in attendance. No refunds will be given for campers who choose not to attend classes or activities.

    Summer at Hutchison does not prorate fees for missed days of camp.
  • Withdrawal

    Campers are expected to adhere to the policies and procedures of Hutchison School as well as the Center for Excellence and SPARK Day Camp programs. Hutchison reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior poses a safety concern or discipline problem. No refunds will be issued for campers who are asked to withdraw.
  • Personal Items

    Hutchison is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Campers should not bring valuable items. Campers should not bring games or toys from home. All personal items should be clearly marked with the student’s name.


List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Andrea Jeter

    Andrea Jeter 

    Operations Director of After-School & Summer Programs
  • Photo of Brianna Lofton

    Brianna Lofton 

    Director of After-School & Summer Programs - CFE
  • Photo of Kathryn Morris

    Katie Morris 

    Director of After-School & Summer Programs - SPARK


Hutchison welcomes qualified students of any race, color, religion, or ethnic origin to program activities.
Hutchison is the leading private girls school in Memphis for ages 2 years old through twelfth grade.