After-School Classes
After-School Classes by Grade Level

Classes for 11th Graders

List of 4 items.

  • ACT and SAT Prep

    For girls and boys in grades 10-12
    Date/Time: Monday-Friday, March 17-21; 3:40-5:40 PM
    Instructor: ACT/SAT Prep Instructor
    Cost: Science/Math M-W Only: $325
    English/Reading TH-F Only: $250
    Full Week/All Subjects: $475
    This class takes a deep dive into what it takes to succeed on both the ACT and SAT. Participants will examine the tendencies of the tests and learn general and content-specific strategies. Students will also gain valuable experience by working through problems from actual tests.
  • ACT Prep

    For girls and boys in grades 11-12
    date/time: Monday-Friday, January 27-31; 3:40-5:40 pm
    instructor: ACT Prep Instructor
    Cost: Science/Math M-W Only: $325
    English/Reading TH-F Only: $250
    Full Week/All Subjects: $475
    This class takes a deep dive into what it takes to succeed on the ACT. Participants will examine the tendencies of the ACT and learn general and content-specific strategies. Students will also gain valuable experience by working through problems from actual ACT tests.
  • Private Music Lessons

    For girls and boys in grades K-12
    Private lessons for 30 or 45 minutes in piano, violin, viola, voice, or harp are offered—all skill levels. Students who took lessons in the fall have priority for the spring semester. If you are interested in your child starting lessons please contact to learn of the open lesson spots.
    *You must have access to the instrument you are taking lessons for to practice outside of your lesson. 

    Space is limited.
  • Strings Choir

    For girls in grades 5-12
    Date/Time: Thursdays, January 9-March 27 (no classes 3/13) from 3:45-4:45 PM
    Instructor: Zoe Johnson (strings instructor)
    Cost: $315
    The Strings Choir will learn music theory, and composition, and rehearse music to be performed during the strings lesson recital. Students will learn a variety of repertoire, including classical compositions, contemporary works, and arrangements of popular music. A strings choir is a musical ensemble primarily composed of string instruments, such as violins, violas, cellos, and double basses. The rich, warm tones of string instruments allow for a diverse range of dynamics and expressions. The unity and depth of sound created by the combination of various string instruments offer a unique listening experience that highlights the beauty of string music.

    *Students must have at least one year of experience playing a stringed instrument.


List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Andrea Jeter

    Andrea Jeter 

    Operations Director of After-School & Summer Programs
    (901) 507-2496
  • Photo of Brianna Lofton

    Brianna Lofton 

    Director of After-School & Summer Programs - CFE
    (901) 507-2460
  • Photo of Kathryn Morris

    Katie Morris 

    Director of After-School & Summer Programs - SPARK

List of 1 items.

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